We work together, using Earth observation, towards the Africa we want.

Our Partners


Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin, (IRHOB) is a public research institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Benin. It coordinated a regional program for capacity building in physical oceanography and was a partner in the PIRATA (Pilot International Research Array in the Tropical Atlantic) program. IRHOB was an associate institution under the MESA project and will support the consolidation of monitoring physical conditions, and development of Coastal Vulnerability Indices.


The Centre for Oceanographic Research of Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT) is the department responsible for fisheries research in the Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research (ISRA). The primary mission of the Center for Oceanographic Research of Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT) is to provide to the fisheries authorities, scientific advice regarding sustainable developments, from knowledge and analyzes biological, socioeconomic, and environmental influences on dynamic resource. CRODT will support consolidation of the PFZ services in the region as done under the MESA project.


Edenway Foundation is an NGO registered in Ghana, a beacon of inspiration and empowerment, supporting Africa's young innovators and entrepreneurs with mentorship, resources, and funding opportunities to help scale their start-ups and succeed. The Foundation is dedicated to providing the youth with access to technology training by utilizing the strength of open-source tools and methods for creative solutions to solve day-to-day problems.

The Foundation provides a thriving 100-acre technology hub, where they nurture a vibrant ecosystem that brings together entrepreneurs, innovators, and investors, offering state-of-the-art facilities and global networking opportunities to enable collaboration, growth and shared prosperity.


The Ghana Meteorological Agency (G-Met) is the sole government agency in Ghana to handle meteorological meteorological information to end users. Located in Accra, it has a network of monitoring stations covering all the ten regions of Ghana. G-Met provides efficient and reliable meteorological information by collecting, processing, archiving, analysing and dissemination of findings/meteorological information to end users. Among some of G-Met activities include providing daily weather forecast for Ghana to support aviation and maritime operations. G-Met also operates meteorological radar capable of covering the entire Exclusive Economic Zone of Ghana. GMet institution will coordinate with national meteorological agencies in the region to forecast ocean conditions to local fishers via SMS messaging.


Centre Universitaire de Recherche d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) is a remote sensing applications centre at Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny supporting capacity building at the tertiary level and development of EO products through research and development. The Centre will be the main academic institution, besides the University of Ghana, to support capacity building and online distance learning. It will also help consolidate the monitoring of biological oceanographic parameters and the development of products for mapping coastal ecosystems.

Nature Today Ghana (NT) is the Partner NGO that will engage end-users and ensure uptake of the services at the national level.


Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche des Télécommunications (CERT), participates in the development of the telecommunications sector in Tunisia and in supporting the activities of major telecommunications players such as the Tunisian Post Office, the National Telecommunications Office (Tunisie Télécom), the National Broadcasting Office and the Tunisian Internet Agency. The centre facilitates access to EO and insitu data necessary for the development of services. It also assist in the identification and engagement of final users and beneficiaries.


Chouaib Doukkali University (UCD), is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the small city of El Jadida.  UCD will support with capacity building activities as well as the establishment of knowledge sharing hubs.


Centre for the Environment for Arab Region and Europe – (CEDARE), is an international inter-governmental Organization with diplomatic status. The Centre acts as an effective catalyst, facilitating collaborative action between the Arab Region, Europe and the International Community in the interdependent fields of environment and development. CEDARE will assist in extending the Coastal Ecosystems Mapping, Monitoring and Assessment from West Africa to the Northern African Coastal Zone


The Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR) was created from the Marine Research Division of the Federal Department of Fisheries by the Research Institutes Establishment Order on 1st November, 1975. NIOMR is Nigeria’s leading institution in marine research with the capacity for investigating physical processes and associated chemical changes and characteristics of the ocean. The institution’s mission is to contribute to the understanding of our ocean, the global ocean and the marine environment as a whole for the sustainable management of the resources and the environment. Various scientific research activities are being undertaken in ocean and marine science include fisheries, fish utilization, fishing technology, physical, chemical geological/geophysical, biological oceanography and aquaculture. NIOMR will provide support to development of coastal vulnerability indices, and monitoring and forecasting ocean conditions.

Regional Bodies 

  • Fishery Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC)

  • Sub Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC)

  • Abidjan Convention

  • WMO Sub-regional Office for North, Central and West Africa

  • Multinational Maritime Coordination Centre (MMCC) Zone F

  • ECOWAS Commission