Under the supervision of an institution partner to the project in a given west African country (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal), the private media company is expected to:

  1. Identify together with the partner institution, key marine or coastal challenges in the country to address.

  2. Promote the GMES and Africa (Marine) project by producing 2 shorts video documentaries of about 5 minutes each, addressing the issues identified.

  3. Produce the documentaries in either English or French with subtitles in the other language.

  4. Make available all raw footages when submitting the final products.

Time: Successful applicants are expected to work within a period of two months from June to July 2021

The information below shows the countries, their focal points and the proposed topics to address.

Country: Nigeria

Topic: Mangroves / coastal land use/Oceanography/use of satellite data in oceanography

Institution in Charge: The Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and. Marine Research (NIOMR)

Focal Point in Charge and mail: Dr. Regina Folorunsho rfolorunsho@yahoo.com

Country: Benin

Topic: Coastal vulnerability

Institution in Charge: Institut de Recherches Halieutique et Océanologique du Bénin (IRHOB)  IRHOB

Focal Point in Charge and mail: Dr. Sohou Zacharie zsohou@gmail.com

Country: Ghana 

Topic: GMES and Africa and Internet of Things/ Safety at Sea/ Land use/ IUU fishing

Institution in Charge: The Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet)

Focal Point in Charge and mail: Mr. Joseph Tetteh  Portuphy jtportuphy2020@yahoo.co.uk

Country: Cote d’Ivoire

Topic: Coastal vulnerability / Coastal Land use / use of satellite data for coastal management

Institution in Charge: Centre Universitaire de Recherche d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT )

Focal Point in Charge and mail: Prof. Djagoua Eric Valere vdjagoua@yahoo.fr

Country: Senegal

Topic: Land use / Fisheries / Wetlands /IUU

Institution in Charge: Centre de Recherche Océographique Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT), ISRA. Senegal

Focal Point in Charge and mail: Dr. Ndiaga Thiam ndiagathiam@hotmail.com


  • The call is open to private companies, including start-ups

  • Private companies (including Start-ups) must be registered in any ECOWAS country

    • Must have worked for at least 2 years in the field of video production

    • Must be familiar with environmental video making

  • Individuals with expertise in video making

    • At least 5 years’ experience working with either local or international organization in environmental issues



Interested candidates are to submit the following files:

  1. A cover letter and a CV

  2. A technical proposal clearly showing an understanding of the work to be done, a methodology and a detailed schedule of work

  3. A financial proposal covering all the expenditure headings necessary to the accomplishment of the tasks to be executed.

  4. Evidence of the work previously carried out demonstrating the expertise and the experience of the group/candidate

  5. Completion the following Google form: (https://bit.ly/3tkFKL6)

  6. Submission of all electronic files to the focal point (see table) in the country in which you reside and cc. rmc@ug.edu.gh via a link from the following file sharing clients (WeTransfer, Google Drive, Onedrive, Dropbox, etc.).


  1. Applicants are allowed to make enquires and seek clarification on the call via email (rmc@ug.edu.gh or via the focal point in their country) until May, 15, 2021.

  2. All entries must be submitted on or before 28th May 2021 (1700 UTC)



The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES and Africa) programme is a Pan-African Initiative contributing to poverty eradication and sustainable development by addressing the need for reliable, timely and accurate land, marine and climate data and information for the continent by exploiting Earth Observation (EO) data and technologies.

The Regional Marine Centre (University of Ghana) is implementing the Marine and Coastal Areas Management component of the project in western Africa. The Centre provides EO services to 12 countries namely Benin, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. The operational services being carried out are: 1) mapping potential fishing zones (PFZ) and monitoring fishing vessel traffic; 2) monitoring and forecasting oceanography variable; 3) forecast of ocean conditions disseminated as SMS, USSD and an app; 4) monitoring coastal vulnerability; and 5) coastal ecosystem/habitat mapping.

The general objective of the Marine and Coastal Areas Management in Western Africa Action is to provide decision-makers with EO information and tools that would support effective marine and coastal resources management in western Africa.

Within the framework of the implementation of the communication strategy of the UG-GMES project whose main objective is to ensure communication and raise public awareness on the critical role of Earth observation in coastal and marine areas management to achieve sustainable development, the University of Ghana Consortium’s is launching a call for the recruitment of five (5) private companies to produce short videos documentaries. A consultant per country is needed in five countries (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal).



Geoportal: https://geoportal.gmes.ug.edu.gh/  


Project Bloghttps://regionalmarinecentreug.blogspot.com/



Youtube:  UG-GMES_Regional Marine Centre

GMES and Africa Blog: http://gmes4africa.blogspot.com/


Earth Observation, Internet of Things and Open Source Technology to enhance Marine and Coastal Areas Management in West Africa


Earth Observation Incubation Programme 2021, Soon to Commence