The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) and Africa Project in West Africa, being implemented by the University of Ghana, is offering the following non-key expert (NKE) positions to qualified individuals or registered start-up companies:

1. Job description: Short-term Non-Key Expert – Geoportal Developer

Duration: 60 man-days effective 6 January – 31 March 2020

Duty station: Regional Marine Centre, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.

Contract fees: Twenty-eight thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 28,000)

Job responsibilities:

  • Design, Develop and Deploy a geospatial web server (using open-source tools)

  • Analyze and integrate already existing datasets/database and current GIS use and propose changes and adjustments;

  • Provide documentation and training on the administration of the GeoServer

  • Provide technical support to the Project up to 6 months after deployment

  • The Expert will work in collaboration with the GMES and Africa Environment Officer

2. Job description: Short-term Non-Key Expert – API Developer

Duration: 30 man-days effective 6 January – 28 February 2020

Duty station: Regional Marine Centre, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.

Contract fees: Twenty thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 20,000)

Job responsibilities:

  • Develop an open-source application programming interface (API) to scrape AIS data from a geospatial web server

  • Provide documentation and training on the administration of the API

  • Provide technical support to the Project up to 6 months after deployment

  • The Expert will work in collaboration with the GMES and Africa Fisheries Officer

3. Job description: Short-term Non-Key Expert – Media Affairs

Duration: 60 man-days effective 6 January – 30 June 2020

Duty station: Regional Marine Centre, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.

Contract fees: Thirty-two thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 32,000)

Job responsibilities:

  • Develop appropriate content for awareness creation among project target groups, beneficiaries and the general public on earth observation services

  • Manage social media platforms of the project

  • Provide awareness creation content for the website

  • Supervise communication and visibility dissemination agenda of the project

  • The Expert will work in collaboration with the GMES and Africa Communication and M&E Officer

4. Job description: Short-term Non-Key Expert – Android/iOS App Developer

Duration: 60 man-days effective 2 January – 27 March 2020

Duty station: Regional Marine Centre, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.

Contract fees: Thirty thousand Ghana cedis (GHS 30,000)

Job responsibilities:

  • Design, Develop and Deploy Android/iOS for dissemination ocean state and potential fishing zone maps (using open-source tools)

  • Develop time-series analytics

  • Provide documentation and training on the administration of the app

  • Provide technical support to the Project up to 6 months after deployment

  • The Expert will work in collaboration with the GMES and Africa – Fisheries Officer


5. Job description: Short-term Non-Key Expert – SMS Gateway

Duration: 30 man-days effective 2 January – 27 March 2020

Duty station: Regional Marine Centre, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.

Contract fees: Fifteen  thousand Ghana cedis (GHS 15,000)

Job responsibilities:

  • Design, Develop and Deploy SMS gateway for the dissemination of ocean state (using open-source tools)

  • Provide documentation and training on the administration of the system

  • Provide technical support to the Project up to 6 months after deployment

  • The Expert will work in collaboration with the GMES and Africa – Oceanographer

How to Apply

  • Attach your cover letter, CV/resume, and, depending on the job description, any additional documents you think are relevant (e.g. references, transcripts, weblinks, and publications.) You may attach up to five files. The maximum size limit for each file is 250 kilobytes. Attachments must be in one of the following formats: .doc, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, or .html.

  • Images, compressed (.zip/tar/rar/etc) files will not be reviewed.

  • Be sure that none of your attached documents is password-protected.

  • All applications must be in English.

  • You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your application.

  • Submit the application through this hyperlink Registration Form UG-GMES

Application Deadline: 1700 GMT on 27 December 2019

Background GMES-Africa Project

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES and Africa) programme is a Pan-African Initiative contributing to poverty eradication and sustainable development by addressing the need for reliable, timely and accurate land, marine and climate data and information for the continent by exploiting Earth Observation (EO) data and technologies.

The Regional Marine Centre (University of Ghana) is implementing the Marine and Coastal Areas Management component of the project in western Africa (  The Centre provides EO services to 12 countries namely Benin, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.   The operational services being carried out are: 1) mapping potential fishing zones (PFZ) and monitoring fishing vessel traffic 2) monitoring and forecasting oceanography variable 3) forecast of ocean conditions disseminated as SMS 4) monitoring coastal vulnerability and 5) coastal ecosystem/habitat mapping.
