Doigbeda Azumah Doigbeda Azumah

MarCNOWA / GMES and Africa Thesis Completion Grants

Postgraduate students in North and West Africa specializing in Earth observation for coastal and marine management can receive up to €4,000. This initiative aims to enhance technical capacities and empower decision-makers with critical EO data, enhancing coastal, marine, and fisheries policies.

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Doigbeda Azumah Doigbeda Azumah

Nurturing Africa's Next Gen Innovators: The Rise of GAIA Clubs

Imagine a place where young minds are not just filled with knowledge but are also empowered to innovate, solve real-world problems, and break the status quo. Welcome to GAIA Clubs—an initiative by Edenway Foundation—that's completely transforming the educational landscape across Africa!

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Guest User Guest User

CALL FOR PROPOSAL: Marine Weather Intelligence Solutions in West & North Africa (EF/GMESA/SC-2/2023)

The expertise of a consultant is being sought to perform an in-depth market analysis of marine weather intelligence solutions in West and North Africa. The analysis will explore applications in sectors such as fisheries shipping, energy production, disaster response, and coastal planning, providing actionable insights to strengthen regional cooperation and industrial capabilities.

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